Top 5 Saltiest Cards (2024)

Top 5 Saltiest Cards (2024)

Top 5 Saltiest Rated Cards according to EDHREC

At #5, the instant win button—Thassa's Oracle.
Winning out of nowhere with a single card leaves opponents feeling powerless.

Salt Score: 2.82

At #4, the land annihilator—Armageddon.
Destroying all lands is a surefire way to turn the table salty.

Salt Score: 2.83

At #3, the mana tyrant—Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger.
Doubling your mana while halving your opponents' resources is a cruel way to dominate.

Salt Score: 2.88

At #2, the freeze machine—Winter Orb.
Locking down untaps grinds games to a slow, painful halt.

Salt Score: 3.11

And at #1, the ultimate game lockdown—Stasis.
With no untaps and no movement, Stasis is the king of frustrating plays.

Salt Score: 3.12

Honourable mention goes to Nadu, Winged Wisdom which would've made the list but got hit with the ban hammer!


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